About Me

Portfolio and Blog

Visit my Portfolio Webpage: Read about my life's work-in-progress blueprint, integrating professional and personal lives. You will also find my personal blog, which is much more than just about sports. Find stories about social entrepreneurship, sport for development and peace, but also my journey through the world, from IT over business to health and well-being.

Consulting & Management


Business Acumen

Proper planning is always part of my approach - regardless of duration and size - to reach your goals as an individual, a group or even an organization. 



Living, studying, and working across the globe has allowed me to remain curious, challenging the status-quo, and tying new ways for better results.


Better Together

Competition against others and self can be both harm- and fruitful; let us together find ways towards a mutual quest for excellence.



Running is not just the oldest, it is the most natural of all movement patterns. We start with the basics and where we as humans excel the most: endurance.

Coaching & Mentoring


A Holistic Approach

The human body is a marvelous machine - all parts working in perfect unison - understanding their interrelations has been my goal ever since.



The main training goal for tactical athletes is that exercises translate almost directly to the occupational demands. What are yours?


Lozania stands for a "young, healthy, effervescent, and vigorous appearance". Age or walk of life do not matter, it is the lifestyle that counts.

Inclusive Societies | Active Urbanism | Ecological Habitus